About Rotary District 9142
Rotary is 1.4 million members in over 47,000 clubs all over the world. Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Rotary District 9142 is made up of almost 2000 members in more than 90 Rotary Clubs.
Although all clubs operate within the general Rotary International framework, each club has its own distinct personality, participates in its select service projects, and organizes its own fundraisers.
Rotary District 9142 provides support to our clubs through webinars, trainings, conferences and assemblies, district-focused grants, and even some social fellowship events.
District Governor
Rtn. Nkemdili Au Nnonyelu is the choice of District Governor 2024-25, for Rotary International District 9142 and has been an active member of Rotary Club of Awka, Anambra State, since 2nd November, 1989. He served in various committees and held different Board positions, until he served as President Rotary Club of Awka in the 1995/96 Rotary year. His presidency at the Club witnessed several Club projects, notably the Comfort Station at then Timber Shed Awka, now Odera Shopping Complex Club membership grew astronomically and contributions to the Foundation also soared. He has been a constant recipient of Club recognitions and laurels from almost all Club Presidents since his entry into Rotary. Maintaining a hundred percent attendance for decades. In 2011/12, he served once again as Club President, which he refers to as his Second Missionary Journey at District level, he has served in various committees as Member and Chair, bagging a host of recognitions from different District Governors-twice, Best District Chair, 2nd Best, twice, as well as two-term Assistant Governor.